Wednesday 29 January 2014

Day 1, 2014 in 6D

The students in 6D have spent some time today thinking about LEARNING. 
They participated in a Thinking Routine called Colour Symbol Image, CSI. Each of the students reflected on the question of what learning is for them...three learning goals were thought about and then the students responded to the question: How do you learn best?
The thinking was recorded on a hand representing HANDS up for LEARNING.
Students will be encouraged to think about Learning regularly throughout their journey in 6D.
I am so excited about all the thinking that will be happening in 6D in 2014. 

Thursday 30th January

Today we thought about how we learn to spell.
The thinking routine that we employed was THINK, PAIR, SHARE.
A student from each group was selected to report to the class the findings of their group.
The list is not yet complete.
We discovered that the study of words is etymology.
We plan to study many words in Year 6. 
Each student thought about 3 Learning Goals for their spelling.
The students then set about making their book cover.
I am hopeful that the discussion at home centres around SPELLING. I hope that parents can share the ways that they learn to spell. 

I hope that the students embrace spelling strategies this year and try new methods.